For Pet Owners

For Pet Owners


Before Surgery
Your primary care veterinarian has diagnosed your pet with a condition or injury requiring surgery. We are an extension of the care your veterinarian can provide in their hospital. Preparation for surgery is as important for you as it is for your pet.

  • An authorization form (PDF) is signed with the procedure and limb clearly identified on the form. Any known allergies or adverse reactions to medications are clearly noted.
  • All medications and supplements your pet takes are clearly marked and brought in with your pet to the hospital.
  • NSAIDs are discontinued 1-2 days prior to surgery.
  • No food after midnight the evening prior to surgery. Access to water is OK.

Day of Surgery
Due to our schedule and the needs of other clients and their pets, we ask you to be mindful of the schedule that has been arranged and your pet is brought to the hospital at the scheduled time. Cancellations for scheduled surgery require 48 hours notification.

After Surgery
Please follow the discharge instructions provided for your pet closely. Feel free to contact us with questions regarding this information. Failure to follow these instructions can lead to increased pain, increased risk for infection, delayed healing, and failure to heal – any or all of these complications could require further intervention and cost to you. There are known risks for complication following surgery but providing appropriate care in the home setting greatly reduces these risks.